Author: nebu chadnezzar

Political Roundup

FBI sends classified letter to House GOP on use of informants in Trump campaign FBI Agent Sally Moyer Who Texted ‘F*ck Trump’ is Registered Dem – Filtered Evidence From Hillary’s Devices Used in Probe DOJ hands over documents to GOP committees after contempt threat FBI Gives Congress Thousands of Requested Documents on Russia Probe, FISA Abuse and Its Use

Sunday Politics

FBI Agent After Interviewing Clinton’s IT Staffer: ‘He Lied His Ass Off’ IG Report: FBI Agents Found Huma Abedin Deleting Classified/Hillary Emails From Yahoo Account But Failed to Subpoena Her Devices IG Report: Page, Strzok Bypassed FBI Chain of Command to Covertly Brief McCabe on Hillary Probe Five Anti-Trump FBI Officials Referred For Disciplinary Action Over Private Messages FBI Employee:

The truth about Earth Day

Every Earth day, think about this. FLASHBACK: Earth Day Co-Founder Killed, Composted His Girlfriend Environmental activist and self-proclaimed Earth Day co-founder Ira Einhorn had a dark side. Einhorn was found guilty of murdering his ex-girlfriend and stuffing her “composted” body inside a trunk, NBC News reported in 2011.

Wednesday Games

Random gaming links for today   Lego MMO development dogged by “dong detection” software Some Fans Aren’t Feeling Resident Evil 2’s Remake Faces  Girl in rehab after becoming addicted to video game Fortnite Assassin’s Creed Odyssey leaked screens confirm Greece setting, naval combat oh i might do it if there’s lots of naval. I only played Black Flag. The Struggle Over