5 Cool Blogging Trends Your Business Should Try

Are you trying to tweak your content strategy for better results? Maybe you haven’t realized your content marketing goals for this quarter? If so, it’s time to give blogging a chance. Many business owners ignore blogging when building their content strategy despite its effectiveness as a marketing tool.

In 2018, the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) predicted that content marketing will dominate in 2019. This has come to pass as more businesses now invest in content creation. If your content marketing plan hasn’t met your expectations, it is time to spruce it up.

Blogging should be at the core of your new content strategy. According to a recent report, businesses that blog boast 55% more visitors to their sites. Consumers now look for in-depth information about brands and products and blogging provides these answers.

The following are some of the blogging trends you should consider for your content strategy:

  • Authenticity

Connecting with consumers is one of the biggest problems marketers face in the digital landscape. This is because they are fed up with the promotional content they find everywhere. They want real content that adds value to their lives. 

Consumers say they can pay more if a brand promises transparency. Others cite authenticity as a key differentiator when making a purchase decision. As such, you need to review your content strategy by telling real stories about your products.

It is advisable to show the impact your products or services have on the lives of the customers. The idea is to provide value and this, in turn, leads to brand trust and loyalty.

  • Video

Video is the content king and this trend is not about to change. Using video in your blogs instantly turns them into powerful marketing tools.

People would rather watch a video than read text, and you have to tweak your strategy to reflect this reality. Consider that 75 million American shoppers watch video every day and you will realize the potential this tool offers.

Producing video should now be part of your blogging routine. Make sure you have authentic, quality and relevant video content for every blog you publish. You will notice higher engagement for such posts, including likes, shares and comments.

  • Optimize for Voice Search

When writing your blogs, you should have your target audience in mind. Consider how they search for content online and use the appropriate keywords and phrases.

With the growth of voice search, you have to tweak your blog content by optimizing it for voice. More consumers now use digital assistants such as Google Home, Amazon’s Alexa, and Apple’s Siri when looking for products and services online.

A Forbes report says by 2020, 30% of all web sessions will be through voice. As a blogger, you need to leverage voice search by using questions in your post titles and updating your metadata for voice. Your content should answer questions that customers are most likely to ask.

  • Storytelling

People love stories and this is one reason storytelling has made a comeback in content marketing. As a blogger, you should write stories that relate easily to your audience.  Working with a professional blogging service can help you unlock your potential. These content experts can help create posts that tell your story.

Location-based experiences and immersive storytelling are now hot trends in content creation. Your readers want to find out more about your brand and behind-the-scenes activities. This helps them relate better with you.

  • SSL Certificate

Have you ever considered the safety of your blog? Most bloggers don’t invest in the best security features and this costs them in the long-term. If you haven’t updated to an SSL certificate, visitors will see a prominent message declaring your site as “not secure”. 

With the increase in data breaches over the last few years, internet users are now more cautious.  Such a message will turn them off and they will quickly close your blog.

For this reason, you need to conform to the Google 68 browser update which went live in 2018. This update requires sites and blogs to use updated SSL certificates. Without such an update, your blog will scare away potential customers.

Final Thoughts

These are only a few of the blogging trends you need to incorporate into your business. They will give you an edge over other blogs in your niche. By creating authentic videos and telling your story, you will attract more relevant traffic and build a strong fan base for your blog.