Three Healthcare Management Innovations Gaining Steam in 2022

Healthcare management is a time-consuming process. Managing everything from billing to patient records requires accuracy, efficiency, and patient privacy. With the proliferation of new procedures, new options such as outpatient surgical care, and increased regulations, healthcare management can be time-consuming and difficult. Moving into 2022, some innovations in healthcare management can make various aspects of healthcare management simpler, more accurate, and better for both patients and healthcare providers.

Cloud Data Management

Accurate and current patient records are crucial when treating individuals. As the population grows and ages, it’s more important than ever to make sure all medical records are accessible and up-to-date. Paper records or records kept on closed-loop systems in doctors’ offices, or clinics are difficult to track down, update, and access. Cloud medical data management stores all your patients’ medical records in the cloud, where it’s easy to access remotely. Whenever you need to access or transfer records, it takes just a few strokes of the keyboard to gain access. You’ll never have to worry about a power failure, loss of your clinic, or other disasters that could wipe out on-site medical records. Cloud storage means confidential patient information is always safe, secure, and retrievable. One caveat is that the cloud data system used by healthcare providers must be HIPAA compliant, which specific servers can provide.

Robotic Process Automation

Companies like Amitech Solutions offer RPA, or robotic process automation, to healthcare facilities and doctors’ offices to automate much of healthcare management’s paperwork and repetitive tasks. It’s estimated that over half of all task-based work in healthcare can be done via artificial intelligence (AI) or RPA. Bots are programmed to take over repetitive tasks and can perform their duties at any time, freeing up personnel for jobs that require critical thinking and a human touch. RPA can take over the responsibilities of scheduling, patient reminders, filling out forms, invoicing, ordering supplies, and more. Using RPA can dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of many tasks, saving medical facilities time and money.


Although telemedicine has been on the scene for a few years already, it hit its stride during the first wave of the pandemic. Where telemedicine was once available as an alternative to a standard doctor’s visit, it’s now offered by virtually every physician’s office, clinic, and hospital in some form. It’s become mainstream, and in response, the teleconferencing industry is evolving to meet the needs of patients and providers. With its ability to provide a virtual “face-to-face” appointment without putting providers or patients at risk, telemedicine is poised to be the preferred way to see a doctor.

Technology and medicine have been intertwined for decades. It will undoubtedly continue to be a part of new advances in medical treatment, making healthcare more accessible and easier to manage for everyone.