Fucking Bug Nightmare

I spent 3-4 days at Vandenberg Air Force Base in their FamCamp (family camp) area in the Tent area. Only it looks like that place was probably cool back in 1960-1980. Who knows. Who knows how far back you have to go when that area wasn’t a piece of shit. There was only one tree to camp under with roots and another person had taken it. So we were stuck out in the California sun of temps of 86+. Right about 8:30 am the sun was unbearable. Then there were 1 trillion bugs all over us. I only got bit one time by a mosqueto but the rest of the bugs were annoying as fuck. So we had these anti-bug candles and this paddle that zaps them AND we lit fires and I used spray but it was still horrible. Then as you left the area and went to the AFB cafe it was fine. So only the camp area was esp shitty. Super lame. I did metal detect up like $8 though. No one had ever hit the area since inception.

Then i get back and fucking ants had taken over my house. Lovely.

I have more to say but it’s 2am.